Wednesday, 1 November 2017


How was your Halloween? Here in Edinburgh they celebrate Halloween with costumes and "trick or treat", and they also have the Samhuinn Fire Festival, awesome!
Samhuinn is a very ancient Celtic Festival. It marks the changing of the seasons, saying goobye to summer and hello to winter. 
In the most important street of Edinburgh, The Royal Mile, the night of the 31st of October there is a representation of the fight between the Summer and Winter kings, and there is a parade with fire, drums, dances, theatre... Incredible!

Here are some images to show you...

And I don't have a video to show you, but, if you want, you can watch last year's festival. It's not exactly the same, but you get an idea... 
Tell me what you think about it and what you did on Halloween!


  1. Replies
    1. Hello, Joel, I'm fine, thank you. I'm having a very good time in my trip.
      And how are you?



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