Saturday, 14 October 2017


St Andrews is a beautiful town north of Edinburgh, as you can see in the map.
It's got the oldest golf course in Scotland, and one of the oldest in the world. There was a European Championship there when I visited it!
The Old Golf Course in St Andrews

Golf shoes with flowers in a St Andrews café.
St Andrews is also very famous for its cathedral and its castle. Both are right by the sea, and both are ruins right now. They are really beautiful!
In the cathedral cemetery, with the ruins of the cathedral behind me.
Another part of the cathedral ruins.

St Andrews castle, with the North Sea in the back.

A photo of the North Sea from the castle.
But the cathedral not always was in ruins as it is now, you can see what it was like in the year 1318 in this video:

St Andrews Cathedral - 1318 from Open Virtual Worlds on Vimeo.

And now I'll ask you A QUESTION: In St Andrews there is a very old university, the oldest in Scotland, founded in 1413. The two people in the picture met there when they were studying, and now are married.
Do you know who they are? Answer in the comments!
Who are they?


  1. the video is very priti

    1. Hello, Guillermo, and thanks for your comment.
      Do you know the two people in the photograph?



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